I’ve dabbled in veganism since my late teens and jumped into the lifestyle full time in 2019 as a protest to the way that my country mishandles food, animals, and the environment.
I know I can’t change much on my own, but I CAN choose not to participate in a system that wastes, poisons, and lies to its people about food. My kids call it my Inconsistent Vegan Madness. For a while, I grew all of my own food, but it was such a massive time commitment I couldn’t keep it up after a couple years.
I’ve been a martial artist all my life, studying many styles, including Judo, Shotokan Karate, and, for the past 8 years, an art called Tenshin Aikido. My school belongs to actor Steven Seagal and I train under his premier teacher, Elliot Freeman.
In my spare time, I lift a lot of weights and practice clothing optional yoga (yes, we’re naked) in St. Louis, Missouri in the United States.