Hulda B. Waage

Hi! My name is Hulda and I’m a professional powerlifter.

I’ve been vegan since 2014 but I haven’t consumed big land animals or sea mammals since 2000 (Im trying to make myself feel better about my early decisions in life). It all began with me looking for options to lose weight but very quickly I became a passionate ethical vegan.

I’m a mother, wife, and I’m part of the Icelandic national team in powerlifting (IPF). Most of my time I spend caring for my family and lifting heavy weights at our beautiful powerlifting club, as well as traveling and competing around the world.

(I also work for a living but it’s not at all exciting, except when I’m delivering sandwiches for the first all vegan company in Iceland!)

My athletic career started only nine years ago. I was never really into sports but found myself, as a grown woman, falling in love with powerlifting realising how strong it made me feel. In these nine years I feel I nearly have a doctors degree in powerlifting. Maybe a small bachelor degree is closer to the truth.

Nutrition and cooking have always been my passions and, although I don’t have any academic degrees, I feel capable of giving okay advice. My best and default advice being: TVP.