<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"> <channel> <title>Athlegan</title> <description>Building muscles without eating others'!</description> <link>https://www.athlegan.com?utm_source=Athlegan&utm_campaign=Feeds&utm_medium=RSS</link> <atom:link href="https://www.athlegan.com?utm_source=Athlegan&utm_campaign=Feeds&utm_medium=RSS" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <language>en</language> <ttl>60</ttl> <item> <title><![CDATA[Super simple, protein-packed seitan recipe]]></title> <description><![CDATA[<div><div class="recipe"><div class="recipe-ingredients"><h3 id="ingredients-protein-seitan">Ingredients</h3><ul><li>1 cup vital wheat gluten</li><li>¼ cup chickpea flour</li><li>1 cup water</li><li>6 cups vegetable broth</li></ul></div><div class="recipe-meal-image"><div class=" gatsby-image-wrapper" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden"><div aria-hidden="true" style="width:100%;padding-bottom:66.40625%"></div><img aria-hidden="true" src="" alt="Super simple, protein-packed seitan recipe" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;object-fit:cover;object-position:center;opacity:1;transition-delay:500ms"/><noscript><picture><source srcset="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/8vKrZfWd52kjqdfEDRQ0Q/c36e8612531e79856f7d6318ed9ef7bb/seitan-recipe.jpg?w=200&h=133&q=100 200w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/8vKrZfWd52kjqdfEDRQ0Q/c36e8612531e79856f7d6318ed9ef7bb/seitan-recipe.jpg?w=400&h=266&q=100 400w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/8vKrZfWd52kjqdfEDRQ0Q/c36e8612531e79856f7d6318ed9ef7bb/seitan-recipe.jpg?w=800&h=531&q=100 800w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/8vKrZfWd52kjqdfEDRQ0Q/c36e8612531e79856f7d6318ed9ef7bb/seitan-recipe.jpg?w=1200&h=797&q=100 1200w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/8vKrZfWd52kjqdfEDRQ0Q/c36e8612531e79856f7d6318ed9ef7bb/seitan-recipe.jpg?w=1600&h=1063&q=100 1600w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/8vKrZfWd52kjqdfEDRQ0Q/c36e8612531e79856f7d6318ed9ef7bb/seitan-recipe.jpg?w=2400&h=1594&q=100 2400w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" /><img loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" srcset="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/8vKrZfWd52kjqdfEDRQ0Q/c36e8612531e79856f7d6318ed9ef7bb/seitan-recipe.jpg?w=200&h=133&q=100 200w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/8vKrZfWd52kjqdfEDRQ0Q/c36e8612531e79856f7d6318ed9ef7bb/seitan-recipe.jpg?w=400&h=266&q=100 400w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/8vKrZfWd52kjqdfEDRQ0Q/c36e8612531e79856f7d6318ed9ef7bb/seitan-recipe.jpg?w=800&h=531&q=100 800w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/8vKrZfWd52kjqdfEDRQ0Q/c36e8612531e79856f7d6318ed9ef7bb/seitan-recipe.jpg?w=1200&h=797&q=100 1200w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/8vKrZfWd52kjqdfEDRQ0Q/c36e8612531e79856f7d6318ed9ef7bb/seitan-recipe.jpg?w=1600&h=1063&q=100 1600w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/8vKrZfWd52kjqdfEDRQ0Q/c36e8612531e79856f7d6318ed9ef7bb/seitan-recipe.jpg?w=2400&h=1594&q=100 2400w" src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/8vKrZfWd52kjqdfEDRQ0Q/c36e8612531e79856f7d6318ed9ef7bb/seitan-recipe.jpg?w=800&q=100" alt="Super simple, protein-packed seitan recipe" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;opacity:1;width:100%;height:100%;object-fit:cover;object-position:center"/></picture></noscript></div></div><div class="recipe-directions"><h3 id="directions-protein-seitan">Directions</h3><ol><li>Stir the vital wheat gluten and chickpea flour together in a medium bowl. Add the water and stir to form a soft dough.</li><li>Transfer the dough to a work surface and knead it for 5 minutes. When it’s no longer sticking, and is like a good bread dough, you can roll it into a ball, or some other form (brisket or ribs). Allow the dough to rest for 5 minutes.</li><li>Prepare the stock to cook the dough. Add 6 cups vegetable stock- broth or 6 cups water with spices. Place the pot over high heat and bring the mixture to a boil. Lower the heat to a low simmer.</li><li>Add the dough to the broth. Allow the broth to simmer for 1 hour, uncovered, watching closely to ensure it stays at a low simmer.</li><li>Remove the pot from heat and allow it to cool a bit.</li><li>When the seitan is cool enough to handle, you can cut it into smaller pieces if you like. Use it in a recipe immediately, or store it in the broth. Refrigerate for up to five days, or freeze.</li></ol></div><div class="recipe-nutrition"><div class="recipe-nutrition-energy">NaN kcal</div><div class="recipe-nutrition-macros"><div class="recipe-nutrition-macros-protein" style="width:NaN%" title="protein"> g protein</div><div class="recipe-nutrition-macros-carbs" style="width:NaN%" title="carbs"> g carbs</div><div class="recipe-nutrition-macros-fat" style="width:NaN%" title="fat"> g fat</div></div></div></div></div>]]></description> <link>https://www.athlegan.com/recipes/protein-seitan?utm_source=Athlegan&utm_campaign=Feeds&utm_medium=RSS</link> <pubDate>Sat, 19 Jun 2021 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="true">https://www.athlegan.com/recipes/protein-seitan</guid> </item><item> <title><![CDATA[One simple trick to stop unhealthy snacking]]></title> <description><![CDATA[<p>Whether you enjoy a bag of crisps with a film or a slice of cake with your coffee, there really is no harm in having the occasional snack – even when you are trying to lose or maintain weight.</p><p>However, <em>snacking can become an issue</em> when you lose control over what you are putting in your mouth.</p><p>Enjoying every last mouthful of your favourite snack is one thing – eating a calorific snack to satisfy hunger, stress or boredom is something completely different. This is the most dangerous snacking when it comes to weight loss.</p><p>Luckily there are several things you can do to control urges to snack. One of the most useful that we have a lot of success with is the <strong>Discomfort Deal</strong>.</p><h2 id="how-to-use-the">How to Use the <em>Discomfort Deal</em></h2><p>Don’t worry – it’s not as uncomfortable as it sounds. And it results in a lot more freedom and self-control.</p><p>It’s simple in theory, but very effective. It goes like this:</p><blockquote><p>As soon as you have the urge to eat something that’s not conducive to your diet – let’s say a glazed vegan doughnut – set a timer for five minutes. As soon as that five minutes is up you can enjoy the doughnut.</p></blockquote><p>That’s it. See, told you it was simple!</p><p>You aren’t reading that incorrectly. You CAN eat the doughnut. There is nothing stopping you. You are not denying yourself. You are simply sitting with the urge for five minutes.</p><p>It’s what you do during this five minutes of “discomfort†that actually makes a difference. You can begin to consider a few things.</p><p>Start by asking yourself why you actually want to eat the doughnut. Food is more than just fuel and we eat for other reasons than just hunger.</p><p>Ask yourself whether you are craving that sweet and fried taste? Are you feeling hungry? Are you a bit bored? Are you stressed? Is everyone else having one and you don’t want to be left out?</p><p>Having explored why you want the doughnut, you can look at some of the better solutions that may exist:</p><ul><li><p>If you are hungry, is there a better choice that will fill your belly until the next meal? Veggies and hummus? Peanut butter and apple? Or a protein shake / bar?</p></li><li><p>If you are bored, is there a better way to pass the time? Could you read a book? Go for a walk? Do some chores? Play a video game?</p></li><li><p>If you are stressed, what’s bothering you? Can you try some breathing exercises? What about talking to a friend, doing some exercise, or laying into a punchbag?</p></li><li><p>If you are craving something sweet, could you try a healthier alternative? Perhaps some fruit or a lower-calorie snack, such as lightly-sweetened popcorn?</p></li></ul><p>In the meantime, use the five minutes to consider your goal – most likely, since you’re reading this, your goal is weight loss. You are trying to lose weight for a reason but what’s your motivation? Do you want to look good on the beach? Fit into your wedding dress? Or simply feel healthier?</p><p>Reminding yourself of your goals and motivation gives you another reason to say no to the doughnut. Is the two minutes it takes you to eat the doughnut going to be worth the ~300 calories?</p><p>After all these considerations have been made, if you still want the doughnut, then EAT THE DOUGHNUT! You have fulfilled your deal and you have permission.</p><p>The Discomfort Deal is not about denying your favourite treats. As soon as we restrict foods, we immediately crave them. This isone reason why so many restrictive diets are unsuccessful.</p><p>No, you are allowed your treat, providing you give yourself some space between having the urge and making the action of eating it. That’s the deal.</p><p>It’s a powerful technique that works. If you end up making better choices even half the time, it will add up to something great. </p><p>The Discomfort Deal is simple, though not always easy. But commit to doing it every time you have an urge and you’ll start noticing how your self-control – and waistline – begin to improve!</p><p>Remember:</p><ul><li><p>As soon as you have the urge to snack, set a timer for five minutes (use your watch, phone or kitchen timer).</p></li><li><p>Ask yourself why you want to snack – hunger, cravings, boredom, stress, habit, or social pressure?</p></li><li><p>Consider your motivation for losing weight and how badly you want it.</p></li><li><p>When the timer goes off, if you still have your craving, eat your snack!</p></li></ul>]]></description> <link>https://www.athlegan.com/stop-snacking?utm_source=Athlegan&utm_campaign=Feeds&utm_medium=RSS</link> <pubDate>Sun, 13 Jun 2021 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="true">https://www.athlegan.com/stop-snacking</guid> </item><item> <title><![CDATA[The complete guide to vegan weightlifting shoes]]></title> <description><![CDATA[<p>When you next stand over the barbell, ready to pull a deadlift PB, take a look down. No, not at the chalky barbell… at your shoes. What are you wearing?</p><p>Don’t worry, we haven’t suddenly turned into fashionistas here at Athlegan – we are simply pointing out that those cool running shoes with the killer aesthetics and ultra-soft cushioning are probably not helping you as you lift. Quite the contrary!</p><p>In this article we take a look at the differences between various types of lifting shoes and what you should look out for. We also dive into the world of <strong>vegan workout shoes</strong> to consider, and speak to an expert on <strong>vegan gym shoes</strong> from the excellent <a href="https://sabosports.com/" rel="">Sabosports</a>.</p><div class="image-container title-image"><div class=" gatsby-image-wrapper" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden"><div aria-hidden="true" style="width:100%;padding-bottom:50%"></div><img aria-hidden="true" src="" title="" alt="The complete guide to vegan weightlifting shoes" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;object-fit:cover;object-position:center;opacity:1;transition-delay:500ms"/><noscript><picture><source srcset="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/725QPbXx2qBHMcSWhMYf93/9ccb644169718d3919bbe033d9b0e74c/vegan-weightlifting-shoes.png?w=192&h=96&q=100 192w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/725QPbXx2qBHMcSWhMYf93/9ccb644169718d3919bbe033d9b0e74c/vegan-weightlifting-shoes.png?w=384&h=192&q=100 384w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/725QPbXx2qBHMcSWhMYf93/9ccb644169718d3919bbe033d9b0e74c/vegan-weightlifting-shoes.png?w=768&h=384&q=100 768w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/725QPbXx2qBHMcSWhMYf93/9ccb644169718d3919bbe033d9b0e74c/vegan-weightlifting-shoes.png?w=1024&h=512&q=100 1024w" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" /><img loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" srcset="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/725QPbXx2qBHMcSWhMYf93/9ccb644169718d3919bbe033d9b0e74c/vegan-weightlifting-shoes.png?w=192&h=96&q=100 192w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/725QPbXx2qBHMcSWhMYf93/9ccb644169718d3919bbe033d9b0e74c/vegan-weightlifting-shoes.png?w=384&h=192&q=100 384w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/725QPbXx2qBHMcSWhMYf93/9ccb644169718d3919bbe033d9b0e74c/vegan-weightlifting-shoes.png?w=768&h=384&q=100 768w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/725QPbXx2qBHMcSWhMYf93/9ccb644169718d3919bbe033d9b0e74c/vegan-weightlifting-shoes.png?w=1024&h=512&q=100 1024w" src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/725QPbXx2qBHMcSWhMYf93/9ccb644169718d3919bbe033d9b0e74c/vegan-weightlifting-shoes.png?w=768&q=100" alt="The complete guide to vegan weightlifting shoes" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;opacity:1;width:100%;height:100%;object-fit:cover;object-position:center"/></picture></noscript></div></div><h2 id="do-i-need-specific-lifting-shoes">Do I need specific lifting shoes?</h2><p>Let’s say you are friends with two doctors – one a doctor of cardiology and the other a doctor of palaeontology. If you develop a heart condition, who would you want to be treated by – the heart specialist or the dinosaur guy?</p><p>This little analogy shows that, even though two things are the same in name, they do not deliver the same results. This is the case with footwear.</p><p>There are many types of training shoes, all varying in their design and materials. Take the everyday running shoes (aka, the sneaker). These are perfect for long-distance running, as they are soft, flexible and springy.</p><p>Running in a pair of running shoes is ideal, but step up to the squat rack ready for a heavy session with those shoes still on and you are asking for problems.</p><div class="image-container align align-right " style="float:right"><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/l6Vg5f6QER6yc3CXcy3gP/0153c9332d99718c3af7bde2ce65fbd3/woman-jerking-barbell.jpg" alt="Woman jerking barbell" title=""/></div><p>When strength training, stability is our friend, and shoes are crucial at providing this stability. Ultimately, they are the link between your feet and the ground, and a firm and stable base will allow you to transfer force into your lifts.</p><p>Running shoes are specifically designed to provide cushioning to absorb impact while running. This may make them great for running, but this cushioning is precisely what makes them so bad for lifting. Cushioning makes the shoe less stable and also less effective at transferring force into your lifts.</p><p>Imagine standing over a loaded barbell, ready to perform a heavy deadlift. Now imagine you are actually standing on a trampoline. As you brace and push through your feet to lift the barbell, all the force you generate would be wasted in moving the trampoline downwards instead of the barbell upwards. You would sink down and the barbell would stay in the same position.</p><p>This is kind of what you are doing when you lift in running shoes.</p><h2 id="the-next-step">The Next Step</h2><p>Now we know that our old pair of Nike Air Max aren’t suitable for lifting, the question turns to what should we wear instead?</p><p>There are three popular options: barefoot/shoeless, Chuck Taylors, and specialized vegan weightlifting shoes.</p><p>All three will give you a firm surface that will not compress under heavy loads, which means greater stability for you and better power transfer. In other words, there is no soft middleman stealing your force – the power you generate goes straight into the bar/ground.</p><p>Of the three options, there is no right or wrong, and it will come down to personal preference and what you can afford.</p><div class="image-container "><div class=" gatsby-image-wrapper" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden"><div aria-hidden="true" style="width:100%;padding-bottom:66.67582417582418%"></div><img aria-hidden="true" src="" title="" alt="Barefoot L-sit on parallettes" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;object-fit:cover;object-position:center;opacity:1;transition-delay:500ms"/><noscript><picture><source srcset="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/1r99FFvlory089dMW0hCY4/940e378812e645f85b920f3b004a6e42/barefoot-l-sit-on-parallettes.jpg?w=192&h=128&q=100 192w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/1r99FFvlory089dMW0hCY4/940e378812e645f85b920f3b004a6e42/barefoot-l-sit-on-parallettes.jpg?w=384&h=256&q=100 384w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/1r99FFvlory089dMW0hCY4/940e378812e645f85b920f3b004a6e42/barefoot-l-sit-on-parallettes.jpg?w=768&h=512&q=100 768w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/1r99FFvlory089dMW0hCY4/940e378812e645f85b920f3b004a6e42/barefoot-l-sit-on-parallettes.jpg?w=1152&h=768&q=100 1152w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/1r99FFvlory089dMW0hCY4/940e378812e645f85b920f3b004a6e42/barefoot-l-sit-on-parallettes.jpg?w=1536&h=1024&q=100 1536w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/1r99FFvlory089dMW0hCY4/940e378812e645f85b920f3b004a6e42/barefoot-l-sit-on-parallettes.jpg?w=2304&h=1536&q=100 2304w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/1r99FFvlory089dMW0hCY4/940e378812e645f85b920f3b004a6e42/barefoot-l-sit-on-parallettes.jpg?w=3640&h=2427&q=100 3640w" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" /><img loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" srcset="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/1r99FFvlory089dMW0hCY4/940e378812e645f85b920f3b004a6e42/barefoot-l-sit-on-parallettes.jpg?w=192&h=128&q=100 192w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/1r99FFvlory089dMW0hCY4/940e378812e645f85b920f3b004a6e42/barefoot-l-sit-on-parallettes.jpg?w=384&h=256&q=100 384w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/1r99FFvlory089dMW0hCY4/940e378812e645f85b920f3b004a6e42/barefoot-l-sit-on-parallettes.jpg?w=768&h=512&q=100 768w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/1r99FFvlory089dMW0hCY4/940e378812e645f85b920f3b004a6e42/barefoot-l-sit-on-parallettes.jpg?w=1152&h=768&q=100 1152w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/1r99FFvlory089dMW0hCY4/940e378812e645f85b920f3b004a6e42/barefoot-l-sit-on-parallettes.jpg?w=1536&h=1024&q=100 1536w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/1r99FFvlory089dMW0hCY4/940e378812e645f85b920f3b004a6e42/barefoot-l-sit-on-parallettes.jpg?w=2304&h=1536&q=100 2304w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/1r99FFvlory089dMW0hCY4/940e378812e645f85b920f3b004a6e42/barefoot-l-sit-on-parallettes.jpg?w=3640&h=2427&q=100 3640w" src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/1r99FFvlory089dMW0hCY4/940e378812e645f85b920f3b004a6e42/barefoot-l-sit-on-parallettes.jpg?w=768&q=100" alt="Barefoot L-sit on parallettes" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;opacity:1;width:100%;height:100%;object-fit:cover;object-position:center"/></picture></noscript></div></div><p>The cheapest of the three is obviously to just go without shoes. Shoeless lifting tends to work quite well as there is nothing but your foot and the floor.</p><p>However, some people prefer a slight heel for squatting movements, and lifting shoeless will not give you this elevation. Shoes will also compress your feet to increase stability, while the rubber soles will help generate more friction.</p><p>With this in mind, this is why some lifters prefer to opt for a minimalist pair of shoes, such as Chuck Taylors (aka, Converse). These relatively cheap shoes provide a flat, firm and stable surface, while they are versatile enough to wear to the bar later that day (you know, when you are bragging about your new deadlift PB).</p><p>The issue with Chuck Taylors is that – like shoeless lifting – you don’t tend to have a heel on these shoes. So, they will be good for deadlifts, but for many people they are not ideal for squatting.</p><p>Furthermore, while better than the disconnect you would have with a pair of runners, Chuck Taylors still create a disconnect between the lifter and the floor. For more on this, we spoke to Sergey Ponomarev from Sabosports – a shoe brand offering <em>an entirely vegan range of lifting shoes</em>.</p><p>Sergey explained to us, “Classic Converse Chucks were created as a tennis/basketball shoe – and they are good for use as a training shoe. However, the outsole is thick and made of rubber. Because of this, the athlete can’t find optimum stability; the foot is floating. The brain and the body have to spend a lot of energy finding a balance.â€</p><div class="image-container align align-right " style="float:right"><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/6Rv48Bl19NiCoaWr483qVo/426a9bf38826119f6ba0223c3c37d7ad/kettlebell-swing-hybrid-shoes.jpg" alt="Kettlebell swing with hybrid shoes" title=""/></div><p>This brings us to the final step in the progression – a pair of specialised vegan lifting shoes, for weightlifting, powerlifting, or similar strength sports.</p><p>As the name suggests, weightlifting shoes are designed for stability and to support great force without any compression. They usually also feature straps that help reduce lateral movement and lock in the foot, adding to the stability during your heaviest lifts.</p><p>Perhaps the biggest difference between weightlifting shoes and other training shoes is that lifting shoes often have elevated heels. This can help individuals achieve a better range of motion to allow for a deeper squat while maintaining an upright position. More on this below.</p><p>Ultimately, lifting shoes are worth buying if you have aspirations of pushing yourself to greater heights - whether your goals are in strength or physique. You may not need specialist shoes if your gym life ends at the pec dec, but if lifting is something you will do for years to come, then lifting shoes should be a serious consideration.</p><h2 id="things-to-consider-when-buying-weightlifting-shoes">Things to consider when buying weightlifting shoes</h2><p>Sold on the idea of weightlifting shoes? Before you throw away your old trainers and buy the first pair of lifting shoes you see, there are a few considerations to make. Let’s go through some of them now.</p><h3 id="vegan-vs-non-vegan">Vegan vs. non-vegan</h3><p>Vegan living extends beyond our diet and into everything we buy, from cosmetics to clothes to – you guessed it – shoes. Thankfully, there are many vegan options in the lifting shoe market.</p><p>Many vegan athletic shoes come with a clear label, to signify that they are free from animal products. Some brands – like our friends at Sabosports – go a step further and offer an entirely vegan range.</p><p>But very often, many shoes aren’t specifically labelled vegan, so you have to do some homework.</p><p>Firstly, look for synthetic materials. Synthetic materials actually tend to provide the best experience when it comes to training shoes (i.e., running shoes, CrossFit shoes or any other athletic trainer), due to their flexibility and breathability. However, due to tradition, leather is the most often-used material used for weightlifting shoes, and therefore many are not vegan.</p><p>The first thing you should do is to read product descriptions to check for leather – even if leather is not the main material, there may be small amounts in the build. Obviously, avoid these shoes.</p><p>If the shoe is leather-free, it may still not be vegan, as the synthetic materials may contain parts derived from animals. For example, some glues can be derived from animal bones, while some colour dyes may come from animals.</p><p>Luckily, some retailers offer a vegan search filter on their websites, so use this if the option is there. It will filter out non-vegan items, allowing you to shop safely.</p><p>If buying in store, do some research online first, as it is easier to find information on materials used in the production process and combat the lack of knowledge that some shoe store assistants will have on vegan apparel.</p><p>Of course, be sure to check with the manufacturer before purchasing, as materials may vary across regions.</p><h3 id="heel-height">Heel height</h3><p>When you have found a vegan lifting shoe, your search isn’t over – now you need to look at the details of the shoe, starting with the height of its heel.</p><div class="image-container align align-right " style="float:right"><a href="https://sabosports.com/powerlift"><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/2yPmqaPehCVOOLqzUDv0PY/1454d7e748826e8fde6aa61051c14814/sabo-powerlift-black-red.jpg" alt="Sabo Powerlift Black/red" title=""/></a></div><p>Heels are there for a reason. They have the benefit of allowing you to go deeper in the squat while maintaining an upright posture.</p><p>The heel size you choose will largely depend on factors including your height, your squat stance, and whether you perform a high or low-bar squat.</p><p>If you are serious about powerlifting, speaking with a personal trainer or coach about heels will help you determine the best heel height for you. If you want to take a gamble, a depth of around 0.75†tends to help most lifters in the squat.</p><p>While 0.75†is standard, heel heights vary between brands and shoes. There is no one-size-fits-all approach and the heel height you go for will depend on things such as your height, the length of your femur, and what you are focusing on in the gym.</p><p>Heel heights can be complicated. However, in a nutshell, different lifting activities tend to require different heel heights.</p><p>For example, flat shoes with no heel are ideal for deadlifts, whereas a taller heel is perfect for squatting. A slight heel is a compromise and will work for the general weightlifter who is not trying to specialise in any one lift.</p><p>Still, the following guidelines will give you a starting point:</p><ul><li><p><strong>Deadlift:</strong> 0 inches</p></li><li><p><strong>Squat:</strong> 0-0.75 inches</p></li><li><p><strong>Snatch/Clean & Jerk:</strong> 0.75+ inches</p></li><li><p><strong>General:</strong> 0-0.75 inches</p></li></ul><p>Heel height is very subjective and what feels good for us may not feel good for you. Use this list to determine where to start, then try some pairs to feel what works best.</p><h3 id="heel-materials">Heel materials</h3><p>While heels were traditionally made from wood, newer shoes use synthetic materials such as plastic. There is a difference between the two, which Sergey from Sabosports explains.</p><p>“Adding a wooden heel originally seemed like a good idea for marketing shoes, but these days we have artificial materials that work much better than wood,†he told us.</p><p>“Wood can be temperamental. It can dry out or absorb moisture. This can result in a serious issue if you wear or store your shoes in cold or wet conditions for long periods of time.â€</p><h3 id="shoe-straps">Shoe straps</h3><p>You may have noticed that some lifting shoes feature big Velcro straps, while others don’t. Others will have one strap, while others have two. What’s the difference?</p><div class="image-container align align-right " style="float:right"><a href="https://sabosports.com/deadlift-pro"><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/3m7DrusOoKu4fBxH2OrYV6/35cc9fff536f459a7408af4de1ae05ee/sabo-deadlift-pro-black-red.jpg" alt="Sabo Deadlift PRO Black/red" title=""/></a></div><p>As we mentioned above, straps are there for additional support and stability, and whether or not you need straps will come down to your activity and personal preference. Straps offer that desired “locked in†feel and, naturally, two straps will offer even more support than one.</p><p>As Sergey explained, “Many years ago, we found out that laces alone didn’t give a good enough hold of the foot. All the athletes we worked with confirmed that straps add a feeling of stability.â€</p><p>“Sometimes the athlete needs a lighter hold and sometimes they need a stronger hold. For a serious competition, for several seconds of heavy lifting, you may need an extremely tight hold. But some people will wear their shoes all day and need something more comfortable. So, we realised that some people need shoes with straps and others need shoes with no straps at all.â€</p><p>As for the question of one vs. two straps, two straps are naturally going to provide even more stability.</p><p>However, double the straps can reduce the flexibility of the shoe. When deadlifting, this may not be an issue, but when Olympic weightlifting is the activity, then athletes need flexibility in the toe area. This is why many classic weightlifting shoes feature just one strap.</p><h3 id="price">Price</h3><p>The price of weightlifting shoes can vary greatly between brands and models. Thankfully, you will be able to find a shoe at pretty much every price point - from budget to premium.</p><p>There is no right answer here. However, you will find that the more expensive the shoe, the better the quality of materials and manufacturing tends to be. This usually leads to a shoe that both performs better and lasts considerably longer.</p><h3 id="design">Design</h3><p>We have talked about the design of weightlifting shoes throughout this article, but here we are focusing specifically on the aesthetics of the shoes.</p><div class="image-container align align-right " style="float:right"><a href="https://sabosports.com/goodlift"><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/3ZBwdhYCXr0dJet5NeLJ2P/b0bc22492289ee12f88267d7d11b74b1/sabo-goodlift-classic-black.jpg" alt="Sabo Goodlift Classic Black" title=""/></a></div><p>Naturally, this is entirely subjective - one person’s perfect shoe may be another person’s fashion nightmare. Luckily, there are many styles to choose from.</p><p>For example, some lifting shoes are very blatantly lifting shoes - style is sacrificed for stability. They look fine when worn on the deadlift platform, but worn away from the gym they may look a bit strange.</p><p>Other brands offer sleeker and more stylish designs that actually look like sneakers, while still offering the stability and support you require.</p><h2 id="what-happens-if-you-train-in-many-disciplines">What happens if you train in many disciplines?</h2><p>On that note, how should you go about buying shoes if you train in multiple disciplines? We put this question to Sergey.</p><p>He told us, “How to choose is not an easy question. The best solution is to try several shoes to discover your favourite. Because of your individual body, training style and other factors, different athletes will feel better in different shoes.â€</p><p>In an ideal world, our gym bag would be full of shoes; each tailored to the lift we are about to perform. However, most people cannot afford a bag full of shoes. Others will be performing several disciplines without the ability to change shoes in between - for example, during a CrossFit WOD, where you may be running, climbing, and snatching in quick succession.</p><p>This is where hybrid shoes / CrossFit shoes are worthy choices. These shoes are a jack of all trades, but give you enough comfort to run and jump, along with enough stability to lift heavy.</p><h2 id="conclusion">Conclusion</h2><p>Ultimately, what lifting shoe you choose will come down to a lot of different factors. If you visit your gym once a week to lift weights to keep fit, you can probably just wear a pair of Chuck Taylors or off the shelf vegan CrossFit shoes.</p><p>If you are a passionate lifter, then you are likely to need a more specialised pair of shoes – possibly even multiple shoes to suit multiple activities (i.e., squats and deadlifts).</p><p>Just keep in mind these words from venerable strength trainer Louie Simmons:</p><blockquote><p>“Don’t have a 10 cent squat with $100 shoes.â€</p></blockquote><p>Even a great pair of lifters won’t fix a weak squat. Our <a href="/coaching" rel="">online coaching</a> does! ;)</p>]]></description> <link>https://www.athlegan.com/vegan-weightlifting-shoes?utm_source=Athlegan&utm_campaign=Feeds&utm_medium=RSS</link> <pubDate>Thu, 08 Apr 2021 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="true">https://www.athlegan.com/vegan-weightlifting-shoes</guid> </item><item> <title><![CDATA[Sabina SkaÅ‚a]]></title> <description><![CDATA[Sabina is a strength and conditioning coach who, when she's not running long-distance races through the Sahara Desert, helps MMA and BJJ athletes get into fighting shape.]]></description> <link>https://www.athlegan.com/athletes/sabina-skala?utm_source=Athlegan&utm_campaign=Feeds&utm_medium=RSS</link> <pubDate>Thu, 25 Feb 2021 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="true">https://www.athlegan.com/athletes/sabina-skala</guid> </item><item> <title><![CDATA[Fasted Cardio: The Good, The Bad and The Hungry]]></title> <description><![CDATA[<p>As athletes, we can all appreciate the feeling of starting our training session well-fed, fully-caffeinated, and raring to go. Equally, we probably know the feeling of rushing to the gym for an early-morning session with an empty belly, chronic lethargy, and even a little bit of dread.</p><div class="image-container title-image"><div class=" gatsby-image-wrapper" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden"><div aria-hidden="true" style="width:100%;padding-bottom:50%"></div><img aria-hidden="true" src="" title="" alt="Fasted cardio" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;object-fit:cover;object-position:center;opacity:1;transition-delay:500ms"/><noscript><picture><source srcset="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/6bnNH8DWpPjev8SBlPis8I/cf027c689da1ae8c76b5ddd1963d49c6/Article_Title_Images.png?w=192&h=96&q=100 192w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/6bnNH8DWpPjev8SBlPis8I/cf027c689da1ae8c76b5ddd1963d49c6/Article_Title_Images.png?w=384&h=192&q=100 384w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/6bnNH8DWpPjev8SBlPis8I/cf027c689da1ae8c76b5ddd1963d49c6/Article_Title_Images.png?w=768&h=384&q=100 768w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/6bnNH8DWpPjev8SBlPis8I/cf027c689da1ae8c76b5ddd1963d49c6/Article_Title_Images.png?w=1024&h=512&q=100 1024w" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" /><img loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" srcset="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/6bnNH8DWpPjev8SBlPis8I/cf027c689da1ae8c76b5ddd1963d49c6/Article_Title_Images.png?w=192&h=96&q=100 192w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/6bnNH8DWpPjev8SBlPis8I/cf027c689da1ae8c76b5ddd1963d49c6/Article_Title_Images.png?w=384&h=192&q=100 384w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/6bnNH8DWpPjev8SBlPis8I/cf027c689da1ae8c76b5ddd1963d49c6/Article_Title_Images.png?w=768&h=384&q=100 768w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/6bnNH8DWpPjev8SBlPis8I/cf027c689da1ae8c76b5ddd1963d49c6/Article_Title_Images.png?w=1024&h=512&q=100 1024w" src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/6bnNH8DWpPjev8SBlPis8I/cf027c689da1ae8c76b5ddd1963d49c6/Article_Title_Images.png?w=768&q=100" alt="Fasted cardio" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;opacity:1;width:100%;height:100%;object-fit:cover;object-position:center"/></picture></noscript></div></div><p>Training fasted – without eating first – is a hotly-debated topic in fitness circles. Some people swear by it, while others swear at the very mention of it!</p><p>Fasted cardio can be performed any time your body is in a fasted state, usually having not eaten anything for between 8 to 12 hours. Traditionally, fasted cardio is performed early in the morning before breakfast.</p><p><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/7FWS2u0Tgy9kjWqZbn7xCn/3063782c99426d45cb60cdda0c885ba8/andrew-tanglao-3I2vzcmEpLU-unsplash.jpg" alt="Running"/></p><p>As with many things in the world of fitness, the goal of fasted cardio is to accelerate fat loss – and who wouldn’t want to do that?</p><p>If fasted cardio intrigues you, the good news is that it does increase fat oxidation. Well established in scientific research<sup id="fnref-1"><a href="#fn-1" rel="">1</a></sup>, performing low-to-moderate aerobic training in a fasted state is associated with “a significant increase in fat oxidation during exercise†when compared to training in a fed state.</p><p>With less glycogen in your body, cortisol levels raise and stored fat is mobilized, forced into action as a fuel source. In short, this means that fasted cardio actually works.</p><p>But not so fast! Before you skip your pre-workout oatmeal, you should weigh up the drawbacks of fasted cardio, of which there are several.</p><p>Firstly, elevating levels of the stress hormone cortisol isn’t something athletes will want to do that often. Cortisol can increase the breakdown of muscle tissue for fuel while decreasing protein synthesis. In other words, cortisol can make you lose muscle while preventing new muscle from being built. We don’t want to speak for you, but this is usually the opposite of what most athletes strive towards.</p><p>Increased cortisol can also slow metabolism until you eat. This means that overall calories lost during that early morning session will be reduced until you eat breakfast.</p><p>Luckily, we don’t have to theorize about the actual, real-life effect of fasted cardio. This concept has actually been put to the test by several studies and, ultimately, while fasted cardio does lead to a higher fat oxidation, it does not lead to an increased net loss <sup id="fnref-2"><a href="#fn-2" rel="">2</a></sup> <sup id="fnref-3"><a href="#fn-3" rel="">3</a></sup> <sup id="fnref-4"><a href="#fn-4" rel="">4</a></sup>.</p><p>You may lose a little more fat during your fasted session but this effect is trivial and your body will find a way of making it even more insignificant throughout the rest of the day.</p><p>Add to that the fact that you also have to endure training with reduced energy, which often results in an overall shorter and less productive session.</p><p><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/hZMbvgotO6XYXftaThr45/e58b0a6926413500275e3367bfaf25dc/pexels-ivan-samkov-4164653.jpg" alt="Resting"/></p><p>Suddenly fasted cardio isn’t sounding so hot!</p><p>Just like fat-loss teas, diet pills and even taking the stairs instead of the elevator, <a href="/fitness-werewolf" rel="">these kinds of hacks</a> have too little impact to really make a difference.</p><p>What actually matters and works for consistent fat loss is the ability to stick to <a href="/count-calories" rel="">a consistent calorie deficit</a> by performing a structured fat-cut.</p><p>Planning and executing a proper cut may not be as tempting as potential quick fixes like fasted cardio but it will make a significant difference to your body. This is why we prescribe this method to vegan athletes wanting to get in shape.</p><h2 id="to-cut-properly">To cut properly</h2><p>So how do you cut fat without relying on hacks and tricks? It’s simple! (Not to be confused with easy, though.)</p><p>First you take aim, then you establish a route, and finally you stick to that until you’ve reached your goal. Let’s break that down.</p><h3 id="1-decide-how-fast-you-want-to-go">1) Decide how fast you want to go</h3><p>Are you looking to lose some excess fat over the next few months, or get shredded for a vacation in three weeks? This will determine <a href="/optimal-fat-loss" rel="">how fast and how aggressive your cut should be</a>.</p><p>We recommend aiming for about -0.5% bodyweight per week.</p><h3 id="2-determine-your-calorie-target">2) Determine your calorie target</h3><p>Estimate your TDEE and subtract calories according to velocity</p><p>To know how many calories you need to cut from your diet, you must first <a href="/count-calories" rel="">know how many calories your body needs</a> to maintain the same weight. This is your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE), which can be figured out by using <a href="/tdee-calculator" rel="">our TDEE calculator</a>.</p><p>This number will be your calorie balance for rest days. If you train or significantly move in other ways through the day, add this amount to the TDEE. For example, if your rest-day TDEE is 2,500 calories and you perform a conditioning circuits class that burns 550 calories, your total TDEE for that day will be 3,050 calories.</p><p>This is not an exact science and accurately predicting how many calories you lose through a certain activity is tricky but this will give you a good idea of how much energy you need to maintain your current weight.</p><p>When you have your TDEE nailed down, subtract calories according to how fast you want to lose weight. Aiming for between -300 and -500 cal a day is a good start.</p><h3 id="track-your-food">Track your food</h3><p>Good news – you don’t have to track every calorie to lose weight. Bad news – you probably do have to track your calories for a period of time to get an idea of how much you actually consume.</p><p>A week is a great start as it will give you an idea of how many calories are in your weekday breakfasts, your post-workout smoothies, and your Saturday evening seitan wings and beers (hey, we are all human).</p><p>Try to be as precise as you can for the week of recording, as you will see things you may otherwise miss. Everything that goes into your mouth has a calorie and little things soon add up, whether that’s a few spoons of vegan mayonnaise or a forgotten slice of birthday cake.</p><p>Of course, if you like this way of working, record your calories for longer and you will end up with more reliable results.</p><h3 id="course-correct-over-time">Course-correct over time</h3><p>It is important to weigh yourself every day to understand where you are in your weight loss plan. Aim to weigh yourself at the same time every morning before breakfast for consistency.</p><p>Of course, daily weight will vary a lot due to many factors, so don’t dwell on your daily number. Instead, work out your weekly average weight every Sunday and compare it week to week. You will soon see whether or not your cut is working as planned.</p><p>If you don’t see the results you want on the scale or in the mirror, tweak your daily deficit by a further 300 calories. Be aware that as you lose weight, your TDEE will reduce, so adjust your calories accordingly.</p><p>By following a properly planned cut, you will see significant weight loss over time, providing you are accurate with your calorie recording and keep things consistent.</p><p>It also means you will be able to smash your early-morning session having properly fueled up beforehand, leaving the others in the dust!</p><hr/><div class="footnotes"><hr/><ol><li id="fn-1"><a href="https://doi.org/10.1017/s0007114516003160" rel="">Effects of aerobic exercise performed in fasted v. fed state on fat and carbohydrate metabolism in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis</a><a href="#fnref-1" rel="">↩</a></li><li id="fn-2"><a href="https://doi.org/10.1186/s12970-014-0054-7" rel="">Body composition changes associated with fasted versus non-fasted aerobic exercise</a><a href="#fnref-2" rel="">↩</a></li><li id="fn-3"><a href="https://doi.org/10.1002/oby.20379" rel="">Interval training in the fed or fasted state improves body composition and muscle oxidative capacity in overweight women</a><a href="#fnref-3" rel="">↩</a></li><li id="fn-4"><a href="https://doi.org/10.3390/jfmk2040043" rel="">Effect of Overnight Fasted Exercise on Weight Loss and Body Composition: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis</a><a href="#fnref-4" rel="">↩</a></li></ol></div>]]></description> <link>https://www.athlegan.com/fasted-cardio?utm_source=Athlegan&utm_campaign=Feeds&utm_medium=RSS</link> <pubDate>Tue, 19 Jan 2021 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="true">https://www.athlegan.com/fasted-cardio</guid> </item><item> <title><![CDATA[High Protein Coronation ''Chicken'']]></title> <description><![CDATA[<div><div class="recipe"><div class="recipe-content"><p>The new year is in, new intentions (or maybe old intentions with a new motivation!) and we welcome 2021 with this high protein, vegan edition of this classic British dish. Each wrap contains just 398 kcal!</p></div><div class="recipe-ingredients"><h3 id="ingredients-high-protein-coronation-chicken">Ingredients</h3><ul><li>400g Tofu</li><li>200g Alpro yoghurt</li><li>0.5tbsp Garlic paste</li><li>1tsp Curry spice</li><li>4tbsp Mango salsa or puree</li><li>4tbsp Raisins</li><li>4xWholewheat wraps</li><li>Salad of choice (steamed kale would work nicely too)</li><li>2 medium carrots Carrot (grated or julienned)</li><li>0.5tsp salt</li><li>150g string beans</li></ul></div><div class="recipe-directions"><h3 id="directions-high-protein-coronation-chicken">Directions</h3><ol><li>1. Pat the tofu dry with a paper towel.</li><li>2. Break the tofu up by hand into random shaped pieces & fry on a low heat for about 30 minutes until they dry out. You don’t really need to move them that much, just check every 5-10 minutes to make sure they get cooked on all sides.</li><li>3. In the meantime, cook the beans in a frying pan on a medium heat, adding a little water if needed to prevent them sticking to the pan. </li><li>4. In another bowl, mix the yoghurt, curry spice, mango salsa, garlic paste and raisins and salt to tase. If you are having steamed kale in the wrap you can also do this now.</li><li>5. Once the tofu is dried out, put it in the yoghurt mixture.</li><li>6. Remove any excess moisture from the kale and raw carrot and beets by patting them with a paper towel, then assemble the wraps.</li></ol></div><div class="recipe-nutrition"><div class="recipe-nutrition-energy">416.40000000000003 kcal</div><div class="recipe-nutrition-macros"><div class="recipe-nutrition-macros-protein" style="width:24%" title="protein">25.6 g protein</div><div class="recipe-nutrition-macros-carbs" style="width:48%" title="carbs">50.6 g carbs</div><div class="recipe-nutrition-macros-fat" style="width:28%" title="fat">12.4 g fat</div></div></div><div class="recipe-body"><p><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/4D0CiEiyvQDOwRXWavavgj/345e6e1b67cf62f37fc4b0cc0ba9714f/20200916_102724__1_.jpg" alt="Ingredients"/></p><ol><li><p>Pat the tofu dry with a paper towel.</p></li><li><p>Break the tofu up by hand into random shaped pieces & fry on a low heat for about 30 minutes until they dry out. You don’t really need to move them that much, just check every 5-10 minutes to make sure they get cooked on all sides.</p></li></ol><p><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/2KXvMZMlgkiLHoSaOlFdNz/8f67fff129598844b0d7962485c29f74/20200916_103103__1_.jpg" alt="step2"/></p><ol start="3"><li>In the meantime, cook the beans in a frying pan on a medium heat, adding a little water if needed to prevent them sticking to the pan. </li></ol><p><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/4WRhlalNshVXPmKGWxV4qK/f5b35c3cd6abcf6689eec546122e0ced/20200916_114426.jpg" alt="beans"/></p><ol start="4"><li>In another bowl, mix the yoghurt, curry spice, mango salsa, garlic paste and raisins and salt to tase. If you are having steamed kale in the wrap you can also do this now.</li></ol><p><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/11LcU9zjUqSWEp6t8wUU7U/2fac56a42c85f3fdc44d1c404917e6ee/20200916_103135.jpg" alt="curry yoghurt"/></p><ol start="5"><li>Once the tofu is dried out, put it in the yoghurt mixture.</li></ol><p><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/aEBRNWRKWT8G75dJZIhtN/ad4e2b55143efe830247326bb8def1e1/20200916_114429.jpg" alt="chicken"/></p><ol start="7"><li>Remove any excess moisture from the kale and raw carrot and beets by patting them with a paper towel, then assemble the wraps (preferably on the same day as consumption). You can also lightly toast them in a pan to help them seal.</li></ol><p><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/1VpuAVhkuJastaqzdJRG3I/490e4cbcd88b691a98179af9b7c6b0bf/20200916_114646.jpg" alt="assembling"/></p></div></div></div>]]></description> <link>https://www.athlegan.com/recipes/high-protein-coronation-chicken?utm_source=Athlegan&utm_campaign=Feeds&utm_medium=RSS</link> <pubDate>Thu, 07 Jan 2021 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="true">https://www.athlegan.com/recipes/high-protein-coronation-chicken</guid> </item><item> <title><![CDATA[Good riddance, 2020!]]></title> <description><![CDATA[<p>There are only a few hours left of this year and I won’t belabor the point more than to state the obvious – it’s been one crappy year.</p><p>Like most things in life, though, where there are negatives there are also positives. So let’s look at that instead!</p><p>I’ve previously written a summary for <a href="/a-new-year" rel="">2015</a>, <a href="/one-year-vegan-fitness" rel="">2016</a>, and <a href="/2019-summary" rel="">2019</a>. What happened in 2017 and 2018 is anyone’s guess, hehe.</p><p>Anyway, here’s my account for what happened in the Athlegan world during 2020 and what we’re looking forward to in 2021.</p><h2 id="in-the-spotlight">In the spotlight</h2><p>Let’s first have a look at all the things we worked on in the open, that you might have already seen parts of.</p><h3 id="newsletter">Newsletter</h3><p>We’re very proud to have more than a thousand fitness vegans subscribed to receive our ramblings. That’s why we, during the last quarter of the year, decided to ramp up our email game and try to deliver something useful every week.</p><p>We managed thirty-one emails and I think every single one of them was useful! We now have a newsletter I would like to receive myself.</p><p>If you haven’t yet, <a href="/subscribe">subscribe now</a> and get a weekly email with tips, tricks, and tools for vegan athletes.</p><h3 id="recipes">Recipes</h3><p>Our team has grown this year (more on that later) and we’re proud to have <a href="/team/lauren-valdes-santurio" rel="">Lauren</a> as our new Head of Grub! With her expertise, we’re steadily building an impressive library of vegan recipes.</p><p>Here are some of my own favourites:</p><ul><li><p><a href="/recipes/cuban-black-beans" rel="">Cuban Black Beans</a> – This vegan alternative is not only a great alternative for the family during the holidays, but is also inexpensive, easy to make, and incredibly balanced, nutritionally speaking.</p></li><li><p><a href="/recipes/moroccan-tagine" rel="">Moroccan Tagine</a> – This luscious dish is made with an array of spices to give it a powerful burst of flavour which can be an exciting change from only salt and pepper.</p></li></ul><h3 id="articles">Articles</h3><p>We got back into the groove of publishing articles again this year and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed writing some of them myself. Look out for more useful information this coming year!</p><p>These were the best performing ones:</p><ul><li><p><a href="/optimal-fat-loss" rel="">The optimal rate of fat-loss for YOU</a> – Definitely go for a fat-cut if you want to shed some fluff but let’s paint a more nuanced picture first. Let me tell you what I wish someone had told me before I began my first cut.</p></li><li><p><a href="/before-after-photos" rel="">A guide to jaw-dropping before and after photos</a> – Very few people want to lose weight. Instead, they actually want to improve their looks. So why do we cling to using the scale as our only measurement of success?</p></li></ul><h3 id="interviews">Interviews</h3><p>Our powerlifting coach, <a href="/team/bartosz-lesniewski" rel="">Bartosz</a>, sat down to chat with some other vegan strength-enthusiasts about lifting, life, and everything else that’s worth talking about.</p><p>Learn from these gentlemen (and expect some gentlewomen up next):</p><ul><li><p><a href="/athletes/scott-shetler" rel="">Scott Shetler</a> – Being a multi-talented athlete and strength coach with decades of experience, we can learn a thing or two from listening to Scott Shetler.</p></li><li><p><a href="/athletes/mike-mahler" rel="">Mike Mahler</a> – A true role model, Mike is full of insights and experiences we can all learn from.</p></li></ul><h3 id="tools">Tools</h3><p>Still going strong, these two calculators have been used by many thousand people this past year:</p><ul><li><p><a href="/calculate-1rm" rel="">Calculate your One Rep Max (1RM)</a> – You can measure strength in many different ways but the king of them all is the One Repetition Max (1RM) – how much weight you can maximally lift for one full repetition.</p></li><li><p><a href="/tdee-calculator" rel="">TDEE calculator</a> – The first step to taking control of your weight is to determine your maintenance level. This calculator will tell you exactly that – your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure).</p></li></ul><h3 id="evergreen">Evergreen</h3><p>Forever in the top of our most visited articles, these articles keep helping vegans navigate the most common questions for vegan athletes:</p><ul><li><p><a href="/vegan-protein" rel="">What you need to know about vegan protein</a> – It’s said that once you go vegan everyone around you suddenly turns into a nutrition expert. Never is that more true than when it comes to protein intake and never are people more uneducated.</p></li><li><p><a href="/vegan-creatine" rel="">Why creatine supplement makes you a stronger vegan</a> – If I were to recommend one supplement for vegans who train, my choice might surprise you – I’d say creatine monohydrate.</p></li></ul><h3 id="behind-the-scenes">Behind the scenes</h3><p>Beyond the above, A LOT has happened in the Athlegan sphere that you probably didn’t see. I’d love to invite you in and show you some of the things that happened behind the scenes.</p><p>During 2019 we renewed our efforts and this year we’ve built on top of that. Much work has gone into fundamentals, which we hope will enable us to help more vegan athletes during the coming years.</p><h3 id="company">Company</h3><p>Athlegan AB is now a registered, legal entity. This probably has no implication for anyone else but us but it’s a sign that we’re taking our mission seriously and are committed to our vision of a vegan future.</p><h3 id="the-team">The team</h3><p>The results we want to accomplish and the changes we want to bring about can’t be done by just one person. It’s simply too big of an endeavor.</p><p>That’s why we’ve focused on building a great team this year. Finding talented people and bringing them together, we’re stronger than ever and I’m so grateful for everyone who has committed to our cause!</p><p>For an (incomplete and slightly outdated) list of our awesome people, check out <a href="/team" rel="">The Team</a>.</p><h3 id="the-website">The website</h3><p>We were facing some technical limitations with our old platform and so this year we rebuilt the website with newer technology. It’s snappier than ever and so much easier to work with, enabling us to share more information faster and in much smarter formats.</p><p>More than sixty thousand people visited <a href="https://www.athlegan.com/" rel="">Athlegan.com</a> and learned from our ever-growing <a href="/articles" rel="">library of information</a>.</p><h3 id="the-clients">The clients</h3><p>We continue to <a href="/coaching" rel="">coach vegans online</a> to become the strongest and most fit versions of themselves.</p><p>This year we’ve had twenty-five new trainees join our ranks and reach new fitness levels. Thank you so much to every single one, new and old, for your trust and for setting such an excellent example</p><h3 id="looking-forward">Looking forward</h3><p>One of our biggest disappointments this year was the cancellation of the annual Athlegan Retreat. Be sure that these plans will resume as soon as we’re able to travel and meet each other in person again!</p><p>Apart from the retreat, we’ve got A LOT of plans for next year. Here are some teasers for you:</p><ul><li><p><a href="/app" rel="">Athlegan Track</a> – Our mobile app which will be available in the beginning of next year. I’ve got it installed on my phone and can already tell you that this will be a game-changer.</p></li><li><p>Recipes, articles, interviews, and VIDEOS! We’ve got a packed schedule, full of good stuff to share with you in the coming year.</p></li><li><p><a href="https://cmp.athlegan.com/mealplan" rel="">Meal plan</a> – Know what to eat, and when to eat it, to lose of gain weight on a plant-based diet.</p></li><li><p><a href="https://cmp.athlegan.com/veganfuel" rel="">Vegan Fuel</a> – Everything you need to know about vegan nutrition.</p></li></ul><p>Be sure not to miss anything! <a href="/subscribe">Subscribe now</a> and we’ll send you a weekly email with news and tips, tricks, and tools for vegan athletes.</p>]]></description> <link>https://www.athlegan.com/good-riddance-2020?utm_source=Athlegan&utm_campaign=Feeds&utm_medium=RSS</link> <pubDate>Thu, 31 Dec 2020 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="true">https://www.athlegan.com/good-riddance-2020</guid> </item><item> <title><![CDATA[Gingerbread Curry]]></title> <description><![CDATA[<div><div class="recipe"><div class="recipe-content"><p>Nutrition information given is for 1 serving of curry, containing 269kcal. Serve this with chickpeas, tofu or beans for a higher protein version!</p></div><div class="recipe-ingredients"><h3 id="ingredients-gingerbread-curry">Ingredients</h3><ul><li>1 medium/130g onion (diced)</li><li>400g white potato (cubed)</li><li>400g pumpkin or butternut squash (cubed)</li><li>2 cloves garlic</li><li>1 tbsp tomato puree</li><li>1 tbsp red curry paste</li><li>80g gingerbread cookies</li><li>200ml coconut milk</li><li>¼ tsp cinnamon</li><li>¼ tsp cardamom</li><li>¼ tsp nutmeg</li><li>¼ tsp chili powder</li><li>½ tsp ginger </li><li>1tsp salt</li><li>1L water</li></ul></div><div class="recipe-meal-image"><div class=" gatsby-image-wrapper" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden"><div aria-hidden="true" style="width:100%;padding-bottom:133.33333333333334%"></div><img aria-hidden="true" src="" alt="Gingerbread Curry" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;object-fit:cover;object-position:center;opacity:1;transition-delay:500ms"/><noscript><picture><source srcset="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/7nJwnmT9dH688BaMTMpekc/92bed9d8a6679da5be7bb171c8ef4682/Gcurry8.png?w=200&h=267&q=100 200w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/7nJwnmT9dH688BaMTMpekc/92bed9d8a6679da5be7bb171c8ef4682/Gcurry8.png?w=400&h=533&q=100 400w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/7nJwnmT9dH688BaMTMpekc/92bed9d8a6679da5be7bb171c8ef4682/Gcurry8.png?w=800&h=1067&q=100 800w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/7nJwnmT9dH688BaMTMpekc/92bed9d8a6679da5be7bb171c8ef4682/Gcurry8.png?w=1200&h=1600&q=100 1200w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/7nJwnmT9dH688BaMTMpekc/92bed9d8a6679da5be7bb171c8ef4682/Gcurry8.png?w=1440&h=1920&q=100 1440w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" /><img loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" srcset="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/7nJwnmT9dH688BaMTMpekc/92bed9d8a6679da5be7bb171c8ef4682/Gcurry8.png?w=200&h=267&q=100 200w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/7nJwnmT9dH688BaMTMpekc/92bed9d8a6679da5be7bb171c8ef4682/Gcurry8.png?w=400&h=533&q=100 400w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/7nJwnmT9dH688BaMTMpekc/92bed9d8a6679da5be7bb171c8ef4682/Gcurry8.png?w=800&h=1067&q=100 800w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/7nJwnmT9dH688BaMTMpekc/92bed9d8a6679da5be7bb171c8ef4682/Gcurry8.png?w=1200&h=1600&q=100 1200w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/7nJwnmT9dH688BaMTMpekc/92bed9d8a6679da5be7bb171c8ef4682/Gcurry8.png?w=1440&h=1920&q=100 1440w" src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/7nJwnmT9dH688BaMTMpekc/92bed9d8a6679da5be7bb171c8ef4682/Gcurry8.png?w=800&q=100" alt="Gingerbread Curry" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;opacity:1;width:100%;height:100%;object-fit:cover;object-position:center"/></picture></noscript></div></div><div class="recipe-directions"><h3 id="directions-gingerbread-curry">Directions</h3><ol><li>1. Ground up half the gingerbread cookies with the red curry paste</li><li>2. Heat a large frying pan to medium heat. Add the gingerbread & curry paste mix and tomato pure to the pan and just cook for a couple of minutes.</li><li>3. Add the onion, the garlic and spices. Move them around in the pan and cook until the onions start to soften. If your pan is not non stick, you might need to add water.</li><li>4. Add the potatoes, butternut squash and coconut milk to the pan. Make sure the vegetables are evenly coated with the sauce, then add the water.</li><li>5. Cover the pan with foil, and leave on a low heat for one hour.</li><li>6. Crumble the remaining gingerbread cookies on top of the curry. Serve with rice, chickpeas, bread or whatever you want!</li></ol></div><div class="recipe-nutrition"><div class="recipe-nutrition-energy">257.8 kcal</div><div class="recipe-nutrition-macros"><div class="recipe-nutrition-macros-protein" style="width:8%" title="protein">5.8 g protein</div><div class="recipe-nutrition-macros-carbs" style="width:63%" title="carbs">41.1 g carbs</div><div class="recipe-nutrition-macros-fat" style="width:29%" title="fat">7.8 g fat</div></div></div><div class="recipe-body"><p><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/1CR4JGGWikB31ZWBdnkMQJ/f72cdce48ab3174f1ec3bbaac2c8da88/Gcurry1.jpg" alt="Gcurry1"/></p><p>1.Ground up half the gingerbread cookies with the red curry paste</p><p><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/4GxSjBCroIA1T9eJyTSVb0/7ad8c8805b80cc3bdcf2a831e1be6263/Gcurry2.jpg" alt="Gcurry2"/></p><p>2.Heat a large frying pan to medium heat. Add the gingerbread & curry paste mix and tomato pure to the pan and just cook for a couple of minutes.</p><p><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/7kDK7KKJCr9tL5cXDqj7KS/fa922bd86075472ab22c2785c9792527/Gcurry3.jpg" alt="Gcurry3"/></p><p>3.Add the onion, the garlic and spices. Move them around in the pan and cook until the onions start to soften. If your pan is not non stick, you might need to add water.</p><p><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/7hogtNd4MgAm6wKCDRkP8W/9b059c05d0e48f5f9932bbfee955f33b/Gcurry4.jpg" alt="Gcurry4"/></p><p>4.Add the potatoes, butternut squash and coconut milk to the pan. Make sure the vegetables are evenly coated with the sauce, then add the water.</p><p><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/6GXh1Wytp01pCNYzrcmvYV/348650be229dfd3552aed8b0791c1f4e/Gcurry5.jpg" alt="Gcurry5"/></p><p><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/6Zg5e5wX2BQuZ98XzSbGzJ/daefeeeb2240616280dc218d10dca274/Gcurry6.jpg" alt="Gcurry6"/></p><p>5.Cover the pan with foil, and leave on a low heat for one hour.</p><p><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/20QiratLQAA7oQ57IsHXdL/3f4e23a5d0af4833da3a5fa79897ec16/Gcurry7.jpg" alt="Gcurry7"/></p><ol start="6"><li>Crumble the remaining gingerbread cookies on top of the curry. Serve with rice, chickpeas, bread or whatever you want!</li></ol></div></div></div>]]></description> <link>https://www.athlegan.com/recipes/gingerbread-curry?utm_source=Athlegan&utm_campaign=Feeds&utm_medium=RSS</link> <pubDate>Thu, 03 Dec 2020 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="true">https://www.athlegan.com/recipes/gingerbread-curry</guid> </item><item> <title><![CDATA[Cuban Black Beans]]></title> <description><![CDATA[<div><div class="recipe"><div class="recipe-content"><p>This recipe is traditionally served on holidays and special occasions in Cuba. Every family has their own version of the recipe, however traditionally the beans would be fried in pig fat. This vegan alternative is not only a great alternative for the family during the holidays, but is also inexpensive, easy to make and incredibly balanced nutritionally speaking!</p></div><div class="recipe-ingredients"><h3 id="ingredients-cuban-black-beans">Ingredients</h3><ul><li>1.1kg canned/boxed black beans in brine</li><li>200g rice (dried weight)</li><li>1tbsp apple cider vinegar</li><li>2 red bell peppers (either jarred or raw)</li><li>150g raw mushrooms</li><li>130g onion</li><li>4 cloves garlic</li><li>2 bay leaves</li><li>1 tsp cumin</li><li>1 tsp white sugar</li><li>1 tbsp olive tapenade</li></ul></div><div class="recipe-directions"><h3 id="directions-cuban-black-beans">Directions</h3><ol><li>1. Prep the veg by slicing the onions, red peppers, mushrooms and one of the garlic cloves.</li><li>2. Heat up a pan over a medium/high heat.</li><li>3. Put in the tapenade. This is going to act as our 'oil'. Add the onion and sliced garlic clove. If the garlic is burning, add a little water or oil.</li><li>4. Once the onion has started to soften, add in the rest of the ingredients (except for the rice). When adding the beans, add them with the brine.</li><li>5. Bring the mixture to the boil, then sink down to a low heat.</li><li>6. Leave the beans to cook semi-covered on a low heat for 60 minutes</li><li>7. In the meantime, prepare the rice according to instructions.</li><li>8. After 60 minutes the beans should be done. Salt to taste and add fresh parsley or coriander as garnish. </li></ol></div><div class="recipe-nutrition"><div class="recipe-nutrition-energy">396.9 kcal</div><div class="recipe-nutrition-macros"><div class="recipe-nutrition-macros-protein" style="width:20%" title="protein">20.1 g protein</div><div class="recipe-nutrition-macros-carbs" style="width:74%" title="carbs">73.5 g carbs</div><div class="recipe-nutrition-macros-fat" style="width:6%" title="fat">2.5 g fat</div></div></div><div class="recipe-body"><ol><li>Prep the veg by slicing the onions, red peppers, mushrooms and one of the garlic cloves.</li></ol><p><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/5gNEBg2xL4UbfsmYRiYT67/6633f5b3f914140bd5e919c1ef20677e/20201124_105631__1_.jpg" alt="BB1"/></p><ol start="2"><li><p>Heat up a pan over a medium/high heat.</p></li><li><p>Put in the tapenade. This is going to act as our ‘oil’. Add the onion and sliced garlic clove. If the garlic is burning, add a little water or oil.</p></li></ol><p><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/7H1vARLN23PGAduDYvMZq6/80b90ee68fc9dedde4a3745663fd3970/20201124_105745.jpg" alt="BB2"/></p><ol start="4"><li>Once the onion has started to soften, add in the rest of the ingredients (except for the rice). When adding the beans, add them with the brine.</li></ol><p><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/6N00jEkmsLo9IQqcnaTMCj/401ed5ad368034e499d368485383569f/20201124_110156.jpg" alt="BB3"/></p><p><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/5Qeeelp6nPFfI7jYljzGGQ/2a700a952f6e1d3800593782e897e426/20201124_110307.jpg" alt="BB4"/></p><ol start="5"><li>Bring the mixture to the boil, then sink down to a low heat.</li></ol><p><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/7iuChGBCQ6oxbMKjL5MFhB/e5a6393b1727e1e7bc9ca6435a4e97c0/20201124_110907.jpg" alt="BB5"/></p><ol start="6"><li><p>Leave the beans to cook semi-covered on a low heat for 60 minutes.</p></li><li><p>In the meantime, prepare the rice according to instructions.</p></li></ol><p><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/4pu4ZFZIWZ2Sd7NM4r6aym/850ce6cdb88ad723e14f2a4a94357408/20201124_111215.jpg" alt="BB6"/></p><ol start="8"><li>After 60 minutes the beans should be done. Salt to taste and add fresh parsley or coriander as garnish.</li></ol></div></div></div>]]></description> <link>https://www.athlegan.com/recipes/cuban-black-beans?utm_source=Athlegan&utm_campaign=Feeds&utm_medium=RSS</link> <pubDate>Wed, 25 Nov 2020 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="true">https://www.athlegan.com/recipes/cuban-black-beans</guid> </item><item> <title><![CDATA[Moroccan Tagine]]></title> <description><![CDATA[<div><div class="recipe"><div class="recipe-content"><p>Moroccan food is famed for it’s flavourful seasoning and use of dried fruits in the cuisine that gives the food a nice sweetness.</p><p>This luscious dish is made with an array of spices to give it a powerful burst of flavour which can be an exciting change from only salt and pepper! This being said, if you don’t have some of the spices to hand, then you can omit as many as you want and you will still have a tasty, healthy meal!</p></div><div class="recipe-ingredients"><h3 id="ingredients-moroccan-tagine">Ingredients</h3><ul><li>150g dried quinoa</li><li>4 large Carrots</li><li>460g canned butter Beans</li><li>170g Onion</li><li>4 cloves garlic, minced</li><li>400g Sweet potato</li><li>240g Artichoke hearts</li><li>3tbsp Tomato puree</li><li>1tsp Dried turmeric</li><li>1tsp Ground Cumin</li><li>½ tsp Ground cinnamon</li><li>½ tsp Chile flakes</li><li>1tsp anais </li><li>1tsp whole cloves</li><li>½ a lemon</li><li>2-3 bay leaves</li><li>Salt</li><li>35g Raisins</li><li>1 cube Vegetable stock with 4cups water </li><li>35g Olives (optional)</li><li>1inch fresh grated ginger (optional)</li><li>FreshParsley</li></ul></div><div class="recipe-meal-image"><div class=" gatsby-image-wrapper" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden"><div aria-hidden="true" style="width:100%;padding-bottom:133.33333333333334%"></div><img aria-hidden="true" src="" alt="Moroccan Tagine" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;object-fit:cover;object-position:center;opacity:1;transition-delay:500ms"/><noscript><picture><source srcset="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/37HNP4j70eXXHsgAhQfgm/fbc8d3f50637ab593c256c4fcacd0287/20200917_113240.png?w=200&h=267&q=100 200w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/37HNP4j70eXXHsgAhQfgm/fbc8d3f50637ab593c256c4fcacd0287/20200917_113240.png?w=400&h=533&q=100 400w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/37HNP4j70eXXHsgAhQfgm/fbc8d3f50637ab593c256c4fcacd0287/20200917_113240.png?w=800&h=1067&q=100 800w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/37HNP4j70eXXHsgAhQfgm/fbc8d3f50637ab593c256c4fcacd0287/20200917_113240.png?w=1200&h=1600&q=100 1200w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/37HNP4j70eXXHsgAhQfgm/fbc8d3f50637ab593c256c4fcacd0287/20200917_113240.png?w=1440&h=1920&q=100 1440w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" /><img loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" srcset="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/37HNP4j70eXXHsgAhQfgm/fbc8d3f50637ab593c256c4fcacd0287/20200917_113240.png?w=200&h=267&q=100 200w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/37HNP4j70eXXHsgAhQfgm/fbc8d3f50637ab593c256c4fcacd0287/20200917_113240.png?w=400&h=533&q=100 400w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/37HNP4j70eXXHsgAhQfgm/fbc8d3f50637ab593c256c4fcacd0287/20200917_113240.png?w=800&h=1067&q=100 800w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/37HNP4j70eXXHsgAhQfgm/fbc8d3f50637ab593c256c4fcacd0287/20200917_113240.png?w=1200&h=1600&q=100 1200w, //images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/37HNP4j70eXXHsgAhQfgm/fbc8d3f50637ab593c256c4fcacd0287/20200917_113240.png?w=1440&h=1920&q=100 1440w" src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/37HNP4j70eXXHsgAhQfgm/fbc8d3f50637ab593c256c4fcacd0287/20200917_113240.png?w=800&q=100" alt="Moroccan Tagine" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;opacity:1;width:100%;height:100%;object-fit:cover;object-position:center"/></picture></noscript></div></div><div class="recipe-directions"><h3 id="directions-moroccan-tagine">Directions</h3><ol><li>Cut the carrots, sweet potato into small cubes and dice the onions. </li><li>Fry the onion and garlic on a low/medium heat, if your pan is good you can do this without oil or water. </li><li>Turn to a low heat, then add the tomato paste and ground spices (the cinnamon,turmeric, cumin and chili)...and move everything around in the pan so it is properly mixed. Keep everything moving until the spices really start to release their aroma </li><li>Add the the carrots, sweet potato and the butterbeans and mix them around so everything is mixed evenly, then add the stock</li><li> Leave on a light simmer, either semi covered with the lid, or using tin foil for about 45 minutes, checking up on it at least once and giving it a brief stir so everything steams evenly.</li><li>Meanwhile prepare the quinoa, by bringing 2 cups of water to a boil.</li><li>Salt the water, then add the anais and cloves into a metal tea infuser (or you can throw them in loose and pick them out at the end, or skip the infusing as you’ll still get a lot of flavour from the lemon and bay leaves) and then add the quinoa.</li><li>Once ready, remove the lid and fluff up with a fork and remove all the infusers (tea infuser, lemon wedges and bay leaves). </li><li>Add the raisins and artichoke as well as the optional olives and lemon zest. Garnish with fresh parsley and salt to taste.</li></ol></div><div class="recipe-nutrition"><div class="recipe-nutrition-energy">430.1 kcal</div><div class="recipe-nutrition-macros"><div class="recipe-nutrition-macros-protein" style="width:16%" title="protein">18.1 g protein</div><div class="recipe-nutrition-macros-carbs" style="width:73%" title="carbs">79.3 g carbs</div><div class="recipe-nutrition-macros-fat" style="width:11%" title="fat">4.5 g fat</div></div></div><div class="recipe-body"><p>1.Cut the carrots, sweet potato into small cubes and dice the onions.</p><p><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/2ESsVAN5vCltduZ9KLyp1w/cfacd014c1f258f3b476a0bf88e7bd45/20200917_101931.jpg" alt="Morroccan tagine 2"/></p><p>2.Fry the onion and garlic on a low/medium heat, if your pan is good you can do this without oil or water. </p><p><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/651kgRkjxbwFps8ebVvVlO/8f8543369899fa01a9040f06a83bf40f/20200917_102617.jpg" alt="Morroccan tagine 3"/></p><p>3.Turn to a low heat, then add the tomato paste and ground spices (the cinnamon,turmeric, cumin and chili)…and move everything around in the pan so it is properly mixed. Keep everything moving until the spices really start to release their aroma </p><p><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/421CAwRFIRZfHyIvq5TKOi/82a3d3541d33e97b15de740142c76fb3/20200917_103715.jpg" alt="Morroccan Tagine 4"/></p><p>4.Add the the carrots, sweet potato and the butterbeans and mix them around so everything is mixed evenly, then add the stock. Leave on a light simmer, either semi covered with the lid, or using tin foil for about 45 minutes, checking up on it at least once and giving it a brief stir so everything steams evenly.</p><p><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/5d4j40Ypom8lwhRdSBblWN/690e74e0191e29ff88ff2f9b16e63dd9/20200917_103924.jpg" alt="Morroccan Tagine 5"/></p><p>5.Meanwhile prepare the quinoa, by bringing 2 cups of water to a boil. Salt the water, then add the anais and cloves into a metal tea infuser (or you can throw them in loose and pick them out at the end, or skip the infusing as you’ll still get a lot of flavour from the lemon and bay leaves) and then add the quinoa. Leave covered, on a low heat to cook for 15 minutes. Then leave for a further 15 minutes before removing the lid. Once ready, remove the lid and fluff up with a fork and remove all the infusers (tea infuser, lemon wedges and bay leaves). </p><p><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/5y57WqN61E7a4zYsGvQamU/d3aac7a465bef3003918fdb8feac53f8/20200917_104846.jpg" alt="Morroccan Tagine 6"/></p><p>6.Add the raisins and artichoke as well as the optional olives and lemon zest. Garnish with fresh parsley and salt to taste.</p><p><img src="//images.ctfassets.net/nnuq76eqamrs/sQ9QJYCVCgJGRxShw9PFH/ce90c895e2ac1a54c5a7a5ccd62d7076/20200917_112917.jpg" alt="Morroccan Tagine 7"/></p></div></div></div>]]></description> <link>https://www.athlegan.com/recipes/moroccan-tagine?utm_source=Athlegan&utm_campaign=Feeds&utm_medium=RSS</link> <pubDate>Mon, 16 Nov 2020 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="true">https://www.athlegan.com/recipes/moroccan-tagine</guid> </item> </channel> </rss>